Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce the 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs to be held in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) between May 17th and 20th 2022. Previous conferences have been held triennially in France, Denmark, Poland, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Spain, USA, Poland and Australia and today the symposium has become recognized as the international scientific forum on digestive physiology of pigs.
The DPP is currently considered one of the most important global scientific events in the fields of pig nutrition and gut physiology covering as well endocrinology, immunology, microbiology and health and the pig as a model for human digestive physiology. We expect to attract around 500-650 attendees from Europe, Asia, Australia and North and South America.
We aim for a high quality scientific symposium with a strong and attractive program of interest for researchers from academia and industry. It is our ambition to link our research domain to urgent societal challenges, including food security and sustainability. The program will be built around selected topics introduced by high quality keynote speakers. Altogether, the symposium will contribute to advance the field of digestive physiology in pigs and further develop “Science for Sustainable Nutrition”.
We look forward to meet you in person in Rotterdam!
The organising committee of DPP2022,
Alfons Jansman,
Paul Bikker,
Sonja de Vries,
Walter Gerrits
15 September: Abstract submission open | 15 October: Registration open | 17 December: Abstract submission deadline | February: Notification of acceptance | 17 February: Early Bird registration deadline
17 – 20 May 2022: 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs
TRAVEL – COVID-19 Regulations
Travelling to the Netherlands
Please check the latest Covid-19 regulations before travelling to the Netherlands, click here to read more.
▸ Optimizing resource utilization for future feeds
▸ Dynamics of digestion and absorption
▸ Functionality of the intestinal microbiome
▸ Role of the gut in whole body functioning and health
▸ Models and methodologies
▸ Lessons from other species and disciplines
Click here to find out more information about the program.